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Rare Earth Elements

Rare earth elements comprise 15 lanthanides, along with scandium and yttrium, totaling 17 elements.

Among these, neodymium (Nd), praseodymium (Pr), terbium (Tb), and dysprosium (Dy) are essential to the future of high-tech industries, as they are critical for producing the most powerful permanent magnets available.

DNA Link specializes in manufacturing high-quality sintered permanent magnets using rare earth materials that are mined, separated, and refined in allied Western countries such as Australia and the United States.


Rare Earth Elements

"Rare earth" refers to a group of 17 elements, including the 15 lanthanides, scandium, and yttrium, corresponding to Group 3B of the periodic table (element symbols 57 to 71). These rare earth elements are highly valued across various industries due to their chemically stable properties and their ability to significantly enhance the structure, function, and performance of materials when alloyed with other substances.

Contrary to their name, rare earth elements are not scarce in terms of overall reserves. However, elements such as neodymium (Nd), praseodymium (Pr), dysprosium (Dy), and terbium (Tb)—which are crucial raw materials for the production of permanent magnets—are rarely found in concentrated deposits. Additionally, extracting these elements in their pure form is a complex process. With China's monopolistic control over the supply of rare earths and its strategic use of this position, international disputes have intensified, prompting Western countries and their allies, including the United States, to actively develop alternative value chains.

DNA Link is committed to leading the way in this evolving landscape by leveraging the new value chains established in Western countries to produce the world's best permanent magnets, utilizing rare earth materials sourced from these regions.

Characteristics of Rare Earth Elements

✓ A key element of the future industry, often referred as '21st Century Oil'

✓ Can significantly improve structure, function, and performance

✓ Essential Elements for Powerful Permanent Magnet (Nd, Pr, Dy, Tb)

✓ Nd & Pr are Light REE, and Dy & Tb are Heavy REE

Rare earth reserves by country 
Reserves (tons)
United States2,300,000

Source: United States Geological Survey *As of 2023, RE reserves are constantly changing

*2024 RE reserves for Wyoming, U.S. are projected to be approximately 2.34 billion tons

Periodic Table
Rare Earth Value Chain

Key Uses:

Rare Earth Elements
NeodymiumThe Most Powerful Magnet in the Planet
PraseodymiumThe Most Powerful Magnet in the Planet
TerbiumThe Most Powerful Magnet in the Planet, Phosphor
The Most Powerful Magnet in the Planet, Laser
SamariumSmCo Magnet, Laser, Reactor Control Rod
CeriumAbrasives, Glass polish, Petroleum refining catalysts, etc.
LanthanumCamera Lens, Telescope, etc.
LutetiumCatalyst, Petroleum Refining, PET scanner, etc.
YttriumLaser, Phosphor, Ceramic, Medical Equipment, etc.
EuropiumLED, TV Screen, Laser, Radiation Detectors, etc.